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Your new role

soulfish, spirituality, life coaching, spiritual life coaching, sedona life coach, daily motivation, inspirational videos, spirituality, psychic readings, spiritual life coach, emotional support, mindfulness, ascension energy, karma, life's purpose, personal development

Your new role

The Lunar cycle plays a big role in how energy is received. We are approaching the New Moon and with it, comes a fresh start. You might find that right now, you’re not as heavy, not as down. That’s because most of the hard work is done in this cycle.

Use the next few days to re-align yourself to your bigger goals. It’s good timing for you to remember that you have more to do here and that means things are going to have to change for you to step into the next you.

Today’s energy is saying, this isn’t a time to try to stay “secure” in your present circumstances.

The world is changing rapidly and you will have a new role to play in it. So work on adding new skills to your know-how. Be solid in your core principles and work on how to apply those principles in all you do – in your speech, actions and feelings. Choose the kind of hero you’re going to be – and be that. Go ahead and set your intentions now. Much love 💖🙏

To schedule or learn more about our work, please visit:: https://mysoulfish.com

SoulFish on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/KiyhCofsz9NQ

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