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Options are presented to you

soulfish, spirituality, life coaching, spiritual life coaching, sedona life coach, daily motivation, inspirational videos, spirituality, psychic readings, spiritual life coach, emotional support, mindfulness, ascension energy, karma, life's purpose, personal development

Options are presented to you

Today the energy wants to help you move forward and to recognize that not all plans are perfect. That means there are lots of opportunities for you if you’re not stuck on an exact match.

For example, if you’re presented a way to do something, and it gets you 90% there, don’t dismiss it because you’re really looking for the 100% way. This is for small and big things.

The message today is to focus on your goal and not so much on the how. Be available and open to be shown new ways or different options that move you closer to where you need to be.

Go ahead and set your intentions now. Much love 💖🙏

To schedule or learn more about our work, please visit:: https://mysoulfish.com

SoulFish on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/KiyhCofsz9NQ

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