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Who Do You Want To Be

Who Do You Want To Be


As children we’re often asked, What do you want to be when you grow up? Our imaginations were filled with wonder and ideas about our future. We weren’t afraid to dream big and think of things that excited us. Yet somehow as adults we often feel like whatever path we did end up choosing, or just ended up on, is the one we have to stay on.

What we do every day matters, to us and and to the greater world. If you’re not doing what you love or want to do every day, what can you do to change it? What if you could shift and fill your days with childhood wonder and be the person you always wanted to be? You can be that person, you can make changes…and once you make the decision to leap, the universe will create the path for you. Things will click into place, because you have put out the intention of doing it. It’s all there waiting for you.

Have a beautiful day.