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Warm Berries with Granola and Coconut Cream

Warm Berries with Granola and Coconut Cream

I love this recipe because it’s very simple to make and makes you feel like you’re eating something you shouldn’t.  You will be sure to enjoy a warm bowl of berries with crunchy granola and creamy coconut on top. This recipe is loaded with antioxidants and healthy fats.

Warm Berries

1/2 cup organic blueberries

1/2 cup organic raspberries

You can also use chopped peaches if you don’t have berries, or mix with the berries too!

Wash your fruit with a fruit and vegetable spray and put them in a small saucepan. Warm the berries over medium heat while pressing the raspberries into the pan to break them up and release their juices. If needed you can add a tablespoon of water to create more berry liquid.  Once warmed through put them in a soup bowl and top with Nancy’s granola and Coconut Whipped Cream.


Nancy is a Certified Health Coach and loves to cook healthy, delicious food for her friends and family.