Today, you're moved to action – setting good intentions.
When you’re setting your intentions, the key is to get to the overwhelming feeling and then to stay in that space as long as possible. You may tell yourself a story that allows you to conjure that feeling – but once you have it – you let go of the story because you want Universe to deliver the best possible instead of you trying to craft it. For example, someone would say “I want to grow my business 10% next year”. Instead, be in a feeling where you have achieved that and then say something like: “I want my business to grow as big as I can handle.” Don’t limit yourself to 10%. And why not also add: “Let everyone share in the abundance.” Today shows you there are only two forces – one that repels you to action (an opposing force), and one that pulls you to action. Focus on the desired outcome, not on what you don’t have right now. Answers will be seen soon… Set your intentions now. Much love.
Thank you for watching this video, and we hope you find something helpful you can use on your journey 🙂