Today, we can usher in more love, more light and more hope for all in our new world
When what you see going on around you seems surreal, weird, not normal… how do you respond? It’s easy to want to research and try to understand what you’re witnessing. But the answers aren’t going to be found in video and books. You are experiencing a new age being birthed. That means out with old. But when one form of energy is changing into another, the event can be explosive and violent. It is material effect to the transmutation process. Usually, it comes on fast and then ends after all the fuel is spent and when it can no longer pull in more energy from the outside. It will consume itself leaving behind smoke and what’s new. This is a time of tremendous change. You are experiencing what it’s like to move into another age. We, collectively, can usher in more love, more light and more hope for all in our new world. Our intentions will make it so. Go ahead and set yours now. Much love.
Thank you for watching this video, and we hope you find something helpful you can use on your journey.
#dailymotivation, #inspirationalvideos, #psychicreadings, #spirituality