Today, the old ways don't work anymore and it's ok.
Part of being in a new story is the requirement that the old ways don’t work anymore. This manifests in food, behaviors, reactions to what tweaks you, medicines – you get the picture. Sometimes it’s obvious what is working. But at other times, particularly when you haven’t done whatever in a while or had that reaction in a long time… they only way you learn is by experiencing it. If you are aware you can mentalize in advance and avoid some negativity, but if you’re going about your day, you can be caught off guard, Today’s energy continues to help you let go of the negative and it’s up to you to understand what works for you so it doesn’t stick to you on the way out. You’re ready. You just have to apply what you have learned and that takes practice. Go ahead and set your intentions now. Much love.
Thank you for watching this video, and we hope you find something helpful you can use on your journey 🙂