Today, that could be a message for you… an energy reading for February 2, 2020!
Sometimes it’s hard to know what you should do next. That hesitation, that pause can be a good thing. But when it lasts too long, and you’re still not clear on next steps… you can look for signs around you for guidance. If in the course of your day, you rarely see [fill in the blank] and now you’ve seen them 3 times in the last day… that could be a message for you. When you can’t seem to get the answer yourself, Universe never gives up on you. It tries to reach you in different ways because sometimes we need help uncovering our path. So today, if you’re challenged by a decision, look for your messages and you’ll be shown what’s right for you. Go ahead and set your intentions now. Much love.
Thank you for watching this video, and we hope you find something helpful you can use on your journey 🙂