Today, stop trying so hard…
For many of us, we’re feeling ready right now, to get going, to be doing what it is we’re supposed to be doing. We feel like we’re not ourselves, not quite right in our walking… and yet we’re just looking for that sign or event that tells us to turn right and go over there… and so we just feel like we’re floating a bit. On top of that, it’s the new year and we should be more positive and feeling more motivated and a lot of people don’t feel inspired like that yet. It’s ok. The energy you experience and cycles of your life do not line up well with the gregorian calendar everyone uses. That calendar is about conducting commerce, not about marking important days for your growth and development. In other words, your time comes when it’s your time. If you stop trying so hard it will happen before you know it. Go ahead and set your intentions now. Much love.
Thank you for watching this video, and we hope you find something helpful you can use on your journey 🙂