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Listen to your God voice…what resonates within you.

daily motivation, inspirational videos, spirituality, psychic readings, spiritual life coach, emotional support, mindfulness, ascension energy

Listen to your God voice…what resonates within you.

As we move forward when daily routines have been changed into new daily routines and when uncertainty is starting to feel like a normal condition, it’s important to build your world view on what resonates within you. You may feel like you should do this, this way… you may experience a sign, or read an article at just the right time. Will you listen to that voice? Where do you think that voice comes from? C.S. Lewis says it this way, “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito.” Go ahead and set your intentions now. Much love.

Thank you for watching this video, and we hope you find something helpful you can use on your journey.

#dailymotivation, #inspirationalvideos, #psychicreadings, #spirituality