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The Energies That Are On The Way

soulfish, spirituality, life coaching, spiritual life coaching, sedona life coach, daily motivation, inspirational videos, spirituality, psychic readings, spiritual life coach, emotional support, mindfulness, ascension energy, karma, life's purpose, personal development

The Energies That Are On The Way

Many say they feel stalled, slowed-down, prevented, walled-in, limited – you are getting the picture. It’s because when there are multiple initiating points being activated at the same time, and with differing intentions, you’ll see each of the energies for what they are – a series of forces, each with a beginning and ending, each non-lasting, even though some or all of the streams may still require you to have to work through them from receiving their “burst”.

So knowing this means you can work with what’s going on around you now differently and with better intentions. It means you can apply some attention and what you’ve learned to each of the issues, measure your effectiveness and use your practice to smooth your way (which is the purpose for it) 🙂

Going forward this year, your ability to recognize and then shift the energy around you, what I call your ‘standing vibrational rate’, is going to become more and more important to your well-being.

The change that’s on the way is bringing a treasure-trove of good stuff for you … including more love and opportunity.

Much love 🙏

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