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The Emptiness of Loss

The Emptiness of Loss


When you lose someone who was special to you, there’s an emptiness, a void where that person used to be. There’s nothing to fill that space it just exists reminding you that they aren’t here and aren’t coming back.
So what do you do when the loneliness creeps in and the grief seems to come over you like a wave? You allow yourself to grieve.
Cry, yell, feel sad, talk to your loved one and tell them how much you miss them and how hard it is without them. If you find it helpful to talk to others, reach out to friends and family who have been there for you and share what you’re going through.
Grief is different for everyone, there isn’t one way to mourn a loss. But know that I’m right there with you, walking the path, sharing the same feelings, figuring it out as I go and sending you love.
Have a beautiful day.