Finding Motivation
Are you finding it hard to motivate yourself? Does the energy feel like you’re trudging through mud and each step forward takes real effort? This sluggish energy forces us to take time to think about what we do each day, what motivates us and gets us excited and what doesn’t. When the day to day is cumbersome it’s important to examine what could shift that energy, even a little bit, so it doesn’t feel so daunting.
Big changes are hard, but the little shifts can make a big difference in feeling more excited about your life. By little shifts I mean taking time for yourself so you can connect with who you are, and feel more joy. Doing things that you know make you happy, that are just for you, even if it’s only 15 or 20 minutes a day can make you feel better. It also means trying new ways of doing the same things. Try to look at your life from the outside in. What advice would you give to yourself if you were your friend? Your inner voice is always there, guiding you and directing you, make sure you’re listening.
Have a beautiful day