Energy is Bubbling
For months the energy has felt like trudging through sludge, things weren’t shifting, changes weren’t happening. Then suddenly the flood gates have opened and things are manifesting like crazy. The energy right now is feeling exciting and effervescent, like anything is possible. Allow yourself to feel the shift, to open yourself up to all the good that is percolating in your life.
This is the perfect time to set your intentions for what you want, to be aware of your deepest desires and let the universe fill in the how. I’ll say it again, let the universe fill in the how. Everything is lining up for your greatest success, the universe is ready to deliver to you all that your heart desires. Allow yourself to be excited, to think of all the greatness you’re ready to have in your life. You are deserving of all the good that’s happening around you, so recognize it, let it in, and celebrate it.
Have a beautiful day